So you want to have stronger or longer nails ?
Well first - If you bite your nails...stop !
You will never see any growth if you dont.
Saliva makes the skin near your nail all raised and nasty looking.
I know its hard if its a habit. But get over it !
Second - Eat well Lots of veggies and fruit will help.
Try a Hair Nails Skin vitamin as well.
I drink 5 drops of Vitamin E Oil Daily
Check any pharmacy.
Third - Use a Nail Strengthener.
Some examples below:
Alrighty. Now that we have that sorted.
How to maintain Nails.
You will need :
4 Sided Nail Buffer
I got mine from Body Shop.
Each side serves a different purpose
Go in the same direction
10 times
on each side of the buffer.
Cuticle Cream
If you cant find the Burts Bees try the one Below.
I love the Burts bees one so much. The smell
is addictive.
This one is Sally Hansen maximum growth cuticle pen
Base & Top Coat
To protect your nail
and your nail polish
Alright. Now you have your tips and tools.
Dont despair. You will see results in 1 month
I broke a nail in Japan and then put a fake nail on my pointer.
I can tell you that in a week I already could
notice growth.
I didnt even have any of my nail care products with me!
So try these tips & enjoy buying
lots of nail polish for your new lovely nails : ]
Всем привет! помогите кто знает... ищу где можно купить косметологическое оборудование израиль, аппарат для домашней микродермабразии и аппарат кавитации в аренду? я только начала управлять салоном красоты, надо найти оборудование, а я не знаю где это купить)